Current Projects

Metamobilome of El Tatio Geothermal Field: a model ecosystem to study local mobile genetic element dispersal, prevalence and role in host adaptation and ecoevolution

El Tatio Geothermal Field

ANILLO Antártico-Long-range transport of xenobiotics and microorganisms

Antarctic Peninsula

Caracterización de comunidades de virus gigantes

Antarctic Peninsula

Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2


Center for Genome Regulation


CH4 cycling in the seasonal upwelling system

Coastal upwelling system

Comunidades microbianas y virales del permafrost en la cuenca del Rio Aconcagua

Comunidades microbianas y virales del permafrost

COV-SARS-2 in atmospheric aerosols

COVID-19 disease

Efecto viral sobre bacterio- y fitoplancton

Antarctic Peninsula

Metagenomic analysis of the wastewater virome

Wastewater virome